If you are suffering from dental anxiety, sedation dentistry is a safe and convenient way to ease your fear. Sedation dentistry is available in a variety of different techniques, allowing your dentist to select the most appropriate one for you. In addition, many forms of sedation are covered by dental insurance.

For people who are afraid of needles, IV sedation may be the right option. An IV is a syringe filled with medication, which is injected directly into the bloodstream. This allows the dentist to identify any abnormalities in the patient’s body, and to reduce pain in the area. The numbing effect of the sedative can make the procedure easier for the patient.

Using nitrous oxide is a common method of sedation for patients with mild to moderate anxiety. Nitrous oxide is an inhalation analgesia, which is administered via a small nose hood. It is usually safe for children. However, some people may fall asleep during the procedure.

Another type of sedation is oral sedation. Oral sedation is administered in pill form, which makes the patient feel drowsy and relaxed. During a visit, the dentist will determine the best sedation for you based on your medical history and any treatments you are undergoing.

Another common sedation procedure is the use of a benzodiazepine pill. These pills will help the patient relax, and most will not remember the procedure at all. You should be honest about your medical history and any current medications you are taking. If you have allergies or a history of sleep apnea, you should speak with your doctor before you are sedated.

Intravenous sedation is the most powerful type of conscious sedation. When administered by a trained professional, this type of sedation is extremely safe.

Other types of sedation involve the use of oxygen equipment, as well as reversal medication agents, to ensure that the patient’s breathing is normal during the procedure. Patients who receive this type of sedation may need to remain at the facility for the entire appointment. After the procedure is over, a caregiver should drive the patient home.

The most common type of sedation dentistry involves the use of nitrous oxide. Most dentists are qualified to administer this sedative, but it is important to ask about any side effects before the procedure.

Deep sedation is a type of sedation that can last for several hours. Although this type of sedation can be effective, it can also have dangerous side effects. People who have sleep apnea or who are obese should discuss these risks with their doctor. Some other procedures require general anesthesia.

The dentist should provide the patient with a form that lists the potential risks of the dental procedure. They should also explain the medication or sedative used, and ask if there are any medical conditions that might be impacted by the procedure. Make sure the procedure is covered by your dental insurance. Unless you are receiving a minimal sedation, you will most likely have to pay for the sedative.


What You Must Know About Sedation Dentistry