If you’ve suffered tooth loss, you are aware that it can affect your appearance as well as your ability to chew properly. Implants for teeth have been used for a half century, provide a secure and efficient solution.

Like any other medical procedure it is possible that there will be issues. Selecting a skilled, experienced implant dentist can minimize issues and assure a skilled treatment of any issues which may occur.

What exactly is the rate of success for dental implants? In this blog we’ll discuss the reasons why dental implants are the most effective option for replacing teeth and what triggers tooth loss and loss of dental implants and the various factors that influence the rate of success of dental implants.

Dental implants are the most effective option for replacing teeth?

Implants are dental implants that’s the closest thing you could attain to natural, healthy teeth.

They let you live your life the way you would like to – with confidence eating and smiling and laughing, talking about kisses and enjoying your activities every day without having to worry about the condition of your mouth.

The majority of restorations used in dentistry can accomplishing this.

Dental implants are the most commonly recommended option for the replacement of lost teeth since they are functional and have characteristics the implanted tooth appears like a natural tooth. Research has shown a successful rate of more than 90% for the process of restoring implants.

In addition, they’re the sole dental replacement option that aids in stimulating the growth of bone and stop bone loss. Dental implants should be replaced as quickly as you can after losing the tooth can help keep bone from deteriorating in the area of the tooth.

What is the cause of tooth loss and loss of dental implants?

When you are booking your first consultation, there are some things you need to be aware of prior to making your choice about dental implants.

Since dental implants function as natural teeth, you must still take take care of them exactly like your teeth. Implants that are well-maintained are able to last for many years However there are two main reasons for tooth loss and the loss of dental implants. These are:



Bacteria can lead to teeth decay, gum diseases (periodontitis) on teeth and even though dental implants aren’t prone to decay, they are prone to gum disease that is also known as peri-implantitis.

Furthermore stress can lead to many issues with the health of your teeth. Unusual forces that are placed on the teeth or on dental implants may cause the wear of teeth and bone loss, or the breaking of the dental implant.

It’s essential to visit your dental implant dentist on a regular basis to check-up on follow-up visits, the same like with your usual dentist.

Factors that impact the effectiveness of dental implants


Infected tissue may delay or even slow the healing process following the dental implant is placed.

It is among the main causes of failures at implants. Implant dentists with the right training will prescribe an antimicrobial rinse, as well as antibiotics to reduce the chance of infection after the procedure.

Bone quality and strength

The quality of the bone may influence the stability of the implant and how long it takes for the implant to be integrated into the bone. In general, it takes at least 6 months for the implant to be able to fully integrate into the bone’s soft.

There is a higher chance of micro-movement occurring in this type of bone. This could stop the implant from fully integrating which could lead to the implant failing.

Your dentist will take extra steps to adjust your denture or temporary tooth so that there isn’t any micro-movement on the implant. Also, dietary restrictions could be recommended to avoid the implant from being overloaded.

Diabetes and smoking

The supply of blood to the bone supporting it is essential for quick healing of implants.

Smoking may reduce flow of blood to the gums as well as bone supporting them. This can slow down the healing process, and could increase the likelihood of failure of implants.

Diabetes that is not controlled can cause poor healing and a higher risk of infections, which could lead to failure of implants.

Your dentist may suggest you stop smoking before putting in your implant(s) or, in the case of diabetes and your A1C is less than a certain threshold prior to proceeding with implant surgery.

The maintenance of oral hygiene

It is crucial to ensure proper oral hygiene while living with implants in your teeth. Implanted teeth are treated like natural teeth.

The implant restoration needs to be cleaned to ensure there are no food particles and bacterial growth. Food particles and bacteria on the implant restoration could increase the risk of developing a periodontal infection.

Like bacteria that cause tooth loss In the same way, bacteria can cause tooth loss around dental implants. This is known as peri-implantitis.

It is essential to maintain good oral hygiene around your implants and teeth, and to ensure a routine check-up every 3 to 6 months and routine cleaning in conjunction with your dental Hygienist.